Saturday 12 November 2016

Family first!

      Don’t get carried away by the returns from your share market investments. We should have a balanced life. You should definitely find time for your family, spend quality time with them though in parallel you have to manage your main job & find time for investment strategies. Just imagine how horrific it would be if your family needs you, but after reaching home from your main job, you are unavailable to them & is sitting in front of your PC planning out your investments/ gazing out into the TV noting down stock trading ideas!

      Now you would be wondering how you can achieve all these all in parallel. Well don’t worry, or don’t be confused, life is not that complicated after all! You need to list down your clear cut targets/ goals in life, formulate tailor made investment strategies for that, strictly stick to the ‘Plan’ well then definitely with such a disciplined investment strategy you will find time with your family & can easily do justice to your main job. My subsequent blog posts will guide you step wise to formulate the so called ‘Plan’.

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